Main content
- Extent:
- 1.33 linear feet
- Abstract:
- The area now known as Doylestown (Bucks County, Pennsylvania) was given to Edward Doyle as a land grant from William Penn in 1692. Doylestown became the county seat of Bucks County in 1812, and the area flourished when a railroad line was completed between Doylestown and Philadelphia in 1856. Doylestown's historic downtown began to deteriorate in the early 1960s, but the town was revitalized in part due to an architectural preservation movement. The Betty Strecker Doylestown Sesquicentennial records, consists mostly of records of the Doylestown Sesquicentennial Committee and papers relating to Strecker's role as its coordinator, including correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs of people and events, applications for Doylestown Sesquicentennial Queen, a scrapbook, some published items, event planning materials, and copies of
Doylestown: 150 Years, published by the Committee. There are also some personal records and papers from other organizations with which...(see more)
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