Main content
- Extent:
- 0.17 linear ft. (1 volume)
- Abstract:
- "Records of Quaker Discipline in Pennsylvania, 1682-1776," by Jack D. Marietta, provides a code that tracks offenses in Pennsylvania Monthly Meetings from 1682 to 1776. The code includes the name of the offender, sex of the individual, the Monthly and Quarterly Meeting, the date, the number of offenses, the type of offense (coded), and the resolution of the case (coded). Offenses included in the coded records are as follows: marriage, fornication, fornication with fiancee, drunkeness, debt, adultery, assault/fighting, attending irregular marriage, entertainments/participating in or attending forbidden ones, familial responsibilities/dereliction in, fraud, gambling, violation of Gospel Order, inattendance at meetings, incest, larceny, law, "loose conversation"/general bad conduct, military activity, oath taking or administering, quarrelling/back-biting/gossiping/verbal abuse, violation sabbatarianism, slander/false accusation, slavery, swearing and profanity, miscellaneous,...(see more)
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