Main content
- Extent:
- 10.0 linear feet (24 boxes (19 document boxes, 5 flat boxes). also textiles in one large garment box, shelved separately.)
- Abstract:
- Stella Yates Botelho, M.D. (b. 1919) is an alumnus of Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania (M.D. 1949) and the University of Pennsylvania (A.B. 1940). She specialized in the field of physiology and had a distinguished career as a researcher and teacher. The papers include materials documenting both her personal life and professional career. While in medical school, Botelho contracted tuberculosis and spent nearly a year at Eagleville Sanatorium, which is discussed in her diary from this time. At the University of Pennsylvania Botelho taught courses in applied and medical physiology and she maintained an active research lab, studying respiratory physiology, neuromuscular physiology, the spinal cord, and secretion of exocrine glands. She published over 40 scientific articles in the field of physiology and was the principal investigator on numerous scientific grants. She mentored dozens of pre- and post-doctoral students. Although Botelho spent nearly her entire life in the...(see more)
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